
You can find a JSON Schema for Schematics here.

All Schematic JSON files must start with the prefix Schematic_. You may find it beneficial to add further detail in the prefix, such as Schematic_HUB_ for HUB milestones and Schematic_Node_ for MAM Nodes.

You can use ContentLib to create your own schematics, or edit existing ones!

To specify schematic icons, use Visual Kits.

You can attempt to hot reload Schematics via the button on the Mod Configuration screen, or the /CLSchemReload chat command. Hot reloading is a WIP feature.

Due to a base-game bug/feature, schematics and items without assigned categories are usually not displayed in menus unless they are explicitly searched for. You can use this behavior to hide schematics from display.

Remember that custom Schematics need to go in the correct Folder.

Schematic Example

Here is an example schematic from the RePan Oil mod:

  "$schema": "",
  "Name": "RePan Acid Process",
  "Type": "Milestone",
  "Tier": 8,
  "VisualKit": "Kit_Aciding",
  "Category": "RePan-Oil",
  "Cost": [
      "Item": "Desc_AluminumPlate",
      "Amount": 100
      "Item": "Desc_PackagedNitrogenGas",
      "Amount": 100
      "Item": "Desc_PackagedSulfuricAcid",
      "Amount": 100
  "Recipes": [ "Recipe_CatalyticNitricAcid", "Recipe_PickledSteelIngots", "Recipe_PickledSteelBeam", "Recipe_BlowMoldedTank", "Recipe_EtchedBoards", "Recipe_ReprocessedUranium", "Recipe_UREXCells" ]